MCF & Dulwich CAS trip

Tony Liang, a Dulwich College student leader, tells us about his and his classmates’ experiences during their recent CAS trip with MCF to Tongzhou School:
DCB students visits the Migrant Children’s Foundation
On the 8th of September, students from Dulwich College Beijing (DCB) visited children supported by the Migrant Children’s Foundation (MCF) in Beijing.
Tuesday Morning, the DCB bus rolled into one of the campuses of MCF, students from DCB had planned interesting lessons and activities and had brought resources such as paint and musical instruments for the children of MCF. After being given a quick introduction, the children were split into four groups and started rotating between the DCB students’ taught subjects: Art, Science, Music and Creative Writing. The children were unbelievably excited and amazingly cooperative throughout the course of day.
“The kids have so much energy, and they love the soda-vinegar experiment! We should have prepared more materials so we could have more fun.” said the leader of the Science group, Greg Yoem.
“They learn so fast! We performed the song once for them and most of them could already sing along the second time! The children loved our instruments and were very keen to try them. We will definitely come back again in the future, and by then we will try to bring more instruments and resources for the kids.” said the leader of the Music group, Maggie Hu.
By the end of the day, the children of MCF asked DCB students multiple times to visit their campus again in the near future and as DCB students gladly made promises to return, they entered the bus for departure.

Tony Liang
DCB student leader