MCF enriches the lives and education of disadvantaged children
1000+ volunteers
have worked with us since starting in 2010
14+ years
inspiring children and volunteers
10,000+ children
supported across all MCF programmes
About MCF
Read about our History, our Values, our Team…
Founded in 2009 by Helen Boyle OBE., MCF is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious organization. A dedicated team of people organizes and manages MCF events and programs…

Our Programs
Wellbeing, Health Checkups, Culture and Fun…
MCF cornerstone program is the life-enhancing Health Checkup Program. Glasses, Dental and others have been implemented gradually…
Uplifting Stories
Partners and Sponsors
Meet some of our Partners that help keep our Vision alive.
Read what our volunteers say about their experiences with us!
To my surprise, MCF has become so much more than a volunteer opportunity. It has become a home away from home...
The kind of synergy that is created in MCF enables it to have such an impact on the lives of disadvantaged children...
Starting with no expertise, eventually I was exhilarated when I realised how much I could do to help...

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